
Neurosurgeons are mad crazy guys

Neurosurgeons are mad crazy guys. You may love them, you may hate them, but its very difficult to ignore them. They are known for their rudeness, alpha male behavior, and hard work. They are considered to be sturdy people who can carry on 12 to 14 hours of surgery without complaining about it. They are never laissez-faire. They are usually the ones who carry out the tough tasks in the toughest of the times. They are known for yelling on the residents and on their colleagues if the things are not as per their requirement. Sometimes they are considered impatient too because they have a short window of time to save any patient’s life especially with the neurosurgeons dealing with the trauma in the emergency cases. They’re considered to be always ready to operate even when the anesthetics and the other show some resistance in those cases. People think that their demands are sometimes overwhelming, but believe me it is never a personal issue because most of them actually put pat


Rome IV 2016 Diagnostic Criteria for FGIDs   Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI), also known as functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) A. Esophageal Disorders A1. FUNCTIONAL CHEST PAIN         Diagnostic criteria*           Must include  all  of the following: Retrosternal chest pain or discomfort** Absence of associated esophageal symptoms, such as heartburn and dysphagia Absence of evidence that gastroesophageal reflux or eosinophilic esophagitis is the cause of the symptom Absence of major esophageal motor disorders†            *Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis with a frequency of at least once a week          **Cardiac causes should be ruled out             †Achalasia/EGJ outflow obstruction, diffuse esophageal spasm, jackhammer esophagus, absent peristalsis A2. FUNCTIONAL HEARTBURN         Diagnostic criteria*           Must include  all  of the following: Burning retrosternal discomfort or pain No sympto